Encrypting the RTView Adapter Password

If the isEncrypted property is set to true, encrypt the RTView adapter password.
Create a keystore.
  1. Place the keystore.jks file in the RTV project folder.
    For the example project, place the keystore file in the example folder.
  2. Modify the encrypt.bat script in %ESP_HOME%\adapters to generate an encrypted password for a given plain text password.
  3. Use the RTView Builder to delete the ESP connection.
  4. Create a new ESP connection.
  5. Provide the encrypted password in the password field.
  6. Save the connection.
  7. Select No to replace the existing .ini file.
    If you choose Yes, the file under %RTV_HOME%\lib is updated.
    Note: Updating the .ini file directly may not work as the encrypted password usually contains "=" and "\" characters that have to be properly escaped and encoded. SAP recommends doing this using the graphic user interface.
Related tasks
Generating the Java Keystore