Performing an Online Back Up

Perform a log store backup while the project server is running. Deployed projects are not included in an online backup.

Note: You do not need to stop the project server during an online backup, but operation suspends while the backup files are being created, which may cause a short disruption. The length of this suspension depends on the amount of data accumulated in the log stores. Perform an online backup only when short disruptions are acceptable.
Use the esp_client utility in the command prompt to create a backup copy of log store files. For example:
$ESP_HOME/bin/esp_client -p <host>:<port>/<workspace-name>/<project-name> -c espuser[:password] backup
For <host>:<port>, enter the host name and port number used by your Event Stream Processor installation. For espuser and password, enter your user credentials.
This creates a set of backup files in the log store directories, each with the extension .bak. Only the current contents of the stores are copied over.