Configuring Access Control

Define access control policies that specify user roles, the actions available to each role, and the resources on which the actions can be performed. If Event Stream Processor is configured to authenticate through the native OS or preconfigured logins, enable access control. Set up role mapping.

Access control policies are maintained in a single XML policy file used by all manager nodes in a cluster. If no access control policies are defined, authorization is not restricted based on user roles, and therefore all authenticated users will have full access.

Access control is enabled by default for LDAP authentication. To enable access control for native OS or preconfigured login authentication, edit the appropriate csi files in the security directory, as described in the steps below. If the roles you configure in the policy file do not have names identical to the names of groups in LDAP or your OS, you must also configure role mappings in ESP_HOME/security/csi_role_mapping.xml. Role mappings link roles in the policy file to OS or LDAP groups.

The policy file, policy.xml, is loaded automatically when you start the cluster manager. If you modify the policy file, use the cluster admin tool to reload it at runtime.

  1. Use any text editor to open the policy file, ESP_HOME/security/policy.xml.
  2. To start a new policy, add <Policy> tags to the <Policies> element.
    You can include more than one <Policy> within the <Policies> tags.
  3. Specify the policy type as Project, Node, or Cluster. For example:
    <Policy type="Project">
  4. To create a new role for the policy, add <Role> tags within <Subjects> tags.
    You can include more than one role in the <Subjects> tags. However, all the roles defined in one <Policy> element are associated with the same set of resources and actions. For a role with different resources and actions, create a separate policy using the <Policy> tag.
  5. Add a group or role to the new role being created within the <Role> tags.
  6. To associate resources with the role, specify each resource with <Resource> tags, and enclose these in the <Resources> element.
  7. To associate actions with the resources, specify each action (read, write, start, or stop) with <Action> tags and enclose these in the <Actions> telement.
  8. Save and exit the file.
  9. (Optional) If you are configuring access control for use with native OS authentication, edit ESP_HOME/security/csi_native_nt.xml or ESP_HOME/security/csi_native_unix.xml to enable access control.
    1. Put comment tags (<!-- and -->) around the line that configures the NoSecAuthorizer provider.
    2. Uncomment the line that configures the RoleCheckAuthorizer provider.
    3. If the roles in your policy file do not correspond to existing groups in your OS, also uncomment the lines that configure the XMLFileRoleMapper provider and specify the role map file, csi_role_mapping.xml.
    This sample csi_native_unix.xml file enables access control and role mapping (RoleCheckAuthorizer and XMLFileRoleMapper, which points to csi_role_mapping.xml, are outside the comment tags, while NoSecAuthorizer is inside).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <config:configuration xmlns:config= xmlns:xsi="">
      <config:authenticationProvider controlFlag="sufficient" name=""/>
      <config:provider name="" type="attributer"/>
      <config:provider name="" type="authorizer"/>
      <config:provider name="" type="roleMapper">
        <config:options name="RoleMapFile" value="${esp.home}/security/csi_role_mapping.xml"/>
      <config:provider name="" type="authorizer"/>
  10. (Optional) If you are configuring access control for use with preconfigured logins, edit ESP_HOME/security/csi_local.xml to enable access control.
    1. Put comment tags (<!-- and -->) around the line that configures the NoSecAuthorizer provider.
    2. Add this line inside the <configuration> element
    <provider name="" type="authorizer"/>
  11. (Optional) For preconfigured logins, configure roles in csi_local.xml that match the ones in policy.xml.
    Add roles in the <options> element, and put the <options> element in the same <authenticationProvider> element as the login’s user name and password. You can include multiple role names in the value field—separate them with commas. This sample <authenticationProvider> defines a login called sybase whose roles are espAdmin, espUser, and investment:
      <authenticationProvider controlFlag="sufficient" name="">
        <options name="username" value="sybase"/>
        <options name="password" value="{SHA-256:gIQWZYOPQVM=}jqHtsTPcw8kGkZt1PQeveUAhQncAQhHXJBrjZAqTfk4="/>
        <options name="roles" value="espAdmin,espUser,investment"/>
    If the file contains more than one login, configure roles for each one.
  12. (Optional) If you are using role mapping with LDAP or native OS authentication, modify ESP_HOME/security/csi_role_mapping.xml to map roles specified in your policy file to groups in LDAP, Windows, or UNIX.
    Use a Mapping element for each mapping. LogicalName is the role in your policy file; MappedName is the group whose members need that role. This is a sample mapping:
This is a sample policy file. The investment role enables users to read, write, start, and stop the two resources.
  <Policy type= "Project">
Note: You assign users to groups through the security provider (LDAP, the operating system, or for preconfigured logins, the csi_local.xml file).
Enable access control in node-name.xml.
Related tasks
Enabling or Disabling Access Control