Inspect Contact Details

View a contact fact sheet, which displays contact details.

Your cursor position on the Contact fact sheet determines which actions you can perform and the available options on the Contact Details menu, for example, you must select the contact address before you can view it on a map.

For e-mail addresses, postal addresses, phone numbers, and Web sites, you can highlight the field, then press the trackball to quickly launch the associated native application without having to use the menu.

Note: If a contact contains warning messages, the warning messages also appear on the account associated with the contact and all contacts associated with that account.
From the contact fact sheet, you can:
  • View work address, personal address, and contact information.
    • View the address on a map.
    • Call or send an e-mail message.
    • Sent a text message to the contact.
    • Add a CRM contact as a personal contact in the native address book. To see this menu option, you must turn on the View Personal Contact setting in Settings > Contacts.
  • View relationships, activities, leads, opportunities, or interactions for the contact.
  • Create new relationships, activities, leads, and opportunities.
  • View contact notes.
  • View or modify Contact Detail display options.