Cleaning the BlackBerry Simulator

After running the clean.bat file in the BlackBerry Java Plug-in component pack simulator directory to clean the BlackBerry simulator, or if you manually delete the required Device Application Designer framework cod/alx/debug files, you must copy some files before you can run or debug the Sybase Unwired Platform BlackBerry project without using the Device Application Designer code generation wizard again.

Go to the BlackBerry RIM plugin installation location, and copy these files into the corresponding BlackBerry Java Plug-in component pack simulator path:

Files File location
  • UltraLiteJ.alx
  • UltraLiteJ.cod
  • BOBFramework.alx
  • BOBFramework.cod
  • All BOBFramework-x.debug files
  • SUPPushListener.cod
  • SUPPushListener.alx
%Sybase%\Unwired_WorkSpace\Eclipse\sybase_workspace\mobile\eclipse\plugins\com.sybase.uep.bob.rim\generate\blackberry\build-x.x.x , where x.x.x is the version of the JDE you are using.