Using Content Assist to Identify and Fix Problems

Content assist identifies and displays a list of problems when you verify your device application. You can access content assist from any decorator item.

  1. Right-click in the Flow Design or Screen Design display pane, and select Verify from the context menu. A list of problems is generated.
  2. In the Problems view, double-click the problem.
    The element with the problem is displayed. The cursor changes to the content assist cursor when you move over the problem.
  3. Click the problem decorator in the lower left-hand corner of the object. For example, the error decorator.
    A content assist window appears and gives you available options (with tool-tips) for fixing the problem.
  4. Select the option for the action you want to perform.
    Note: You cannot generate a device application if there are errors. If you want to generate the device application with the errors, you can change the error to a warning in the Error and Warning Preferences.