Accessing the Device Application Designer

Access the Device Application Designer.

  1. In the Mobile Development perspective, select File > New > Device Application Designer. Alternatively, in WorkSpace Navigator, right-click any Mobile Application Project folder and select Create Device Application Designer. This option makes automatic entries in some of the fields in the Device Application Designer wizard, such as the Parent folder.
  2. In the New Device Application Designer wizard, enter the following information, then click Finish:
    Option Description
    Parent folder Enter or select the parent folder under which you want to save the device application.
    File name Accept the default, or enter a new name for the device application. The extension for the file name is .bob.
    Advanced Select Link to file in file system to link the device application to a file.

    Click Browse to locate the file to which you want to link.

    Click Variables to select a path variable, or create a new one.

    Connection profile Accept the default connection profile, or select an existing profile from the drop-down list. To create a new connection profile, click Create Profile.
    Platform device Select the platform and device for which you are creating the device application. This selection determines which features are available.

    The Device Application Designer appears.
  3. Click Flow Design to start designing a device application.