Composite Operations

The MBO designer can model a create, update, or delete operation on the root node of a composite relationship graph that accepts the entire composite graph as input.

The composite operation allows mapping of EIS operation arguments to any or all of the MBOs contained in the composite MBO graph such that child nodes are not required as explicit parameters to parent operations. Creation, deletion, or modification of child nodes in a composite operation results in the addition of these nodes to the operation replay graph sent to Unwired Server when the composite operation on the root MBO is submitted. Composite operations involving child nodes in a composite graph do not result in separate replay operations for the child nodes. In other words, the device application developer can create a composite MBO tree in one create call from the root MBO.

You can define CUD operations on child MBOs in a composite graph, but those operations are not (and are not part of) composite operations and must be explicitly invoked by the client (with their own replay operations).

The operation replay includes only composite graph nodes which have changed in the operation replay message, which minimizes network traffic from the client device. Unwired Server is responsible for assembling any missing portions of the graph from the cache prior to invoking the EIS operation.

After the EIS operation executes, the operation cache policy determines how those results are applied to the Unwired Server cache.

Related tasks
Creating Attributes for a Mobile Business Object
Creating Operations for a Mobile Business Object
Creating the Mobile Business Object using the Mobile Business Object Palette item
Previewing Mobile Business Objects
Modifying Load Arguments
Related reference
Mobile Business Object Properties
Mobile Business Object Attribute Properties
Mobile Business Object Operation Properties
Datatype Support
Old Value Argument
Related information
Creating Relationships Between Mobile Business Objects