Adding Structure Objects to Mobile Business Objects

Add complex object types to mobile business objects (MBOs) through structure objects.

When creating an MBO from a data source that contains complex object types, for example, multiple SAP output tables, Sybase Unwired WorkSpace generates a structure object and initially sets it as the datatype of both the argument and the derived parameter, which you can change from the drop-down list.

Note: For structure objects referenced by MBOs or operations bound to a data source, you cannot add, delete, or edit the attributes of the structure type. You must instead create a new one if it changes.
  1. Create the MBO. For example, drag-and-drop an SAP data source onto the Mobile Application Diagram.
  2. The MBO parameter to remote operation mappings appear in the Parameters page of the New Attributes wizard, including any generated structure objects.
  3. Accept the default mappings and click Finish, or modify the parameter datatype by selecting something other than the default from the drop-down list:
    • For a structured argument, there is only one complex-typed mapping, instead of a number of simple-typed mappings.
    • In the Datatype drop-down, you can select from any of the available simple types, list of simple types, object types, or list of object types.