Creating Structure Objects

Structure objects hold complex object types, for example, an SAP input structure or input table. Structure objects do not bind to data sources or contain operations. If an MBO references an structure object, a dashed line connects the two objects in the Mobile Application Diagram.

  1. To launch the New Structure wizard from Sybase Unwired WorkSpace you can either:
    • Select File > New > Other > Structure, or
    • Expand the project in WorkSpace Navigator, right-click the Structures folder and select New > Structure.
  2. Enter definition information and click Next:
    • Name – name of the structure object
    • Comment – an optional comment
  3. From the Attributes page, define the simple or complex datatypes that define the structure by using the Add, Delete, Delete All, Up, and Down buttons, and click Finish when done.
    The datatype of a structure attribute can include other structures (complex types).
  4. If the structure does not appear in the Mobile Application Diagram, right-click in the diagram and select Show > Structures.
Structure objects appear in the Structures folder under the project in which they were created. You can drag and drop structures from Structures folders across projects.