Adapter Installer

The Sybase® CEP Adapter Installer guides you through the installation of in-process ad out-of-process adapters.

The out-of-process adapter installer supports two install modes:
  1. Standalone mode – installs the adapter on a clean location where it runs without the CEP server.
  2. Dependent mode – installs the adapter on the existing CEP server.

The in-process adapter installer only supports the dependent install mode. The in-process adapter installer can install adapters on both the Sybase CEP Server and Studio.

Sybase CEP provides an Adapter Installation wizard to guide you through the basic install and licensing procedure for in-process and out-of-process adapters. You can make specific modifications to individual adapters after the installation is complete.

Currently, the Adapter Installer wizard does not install:

For more information on configuring individual adapters, see either "Sybase CEP Adapters" in the Sybase CEP Integration Guide, or the Adapter Guide provided with your adapter.

Created March 8, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: