Displaying a list of TEXT indexes

View a list of all the TEXT indexes in the database.

StepsDisplaying a list of TEXT indexes (Sybase Central)

  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA or RESOURCE authority.

  2. In the left pane, select the Text Indexes folder.

    A list of all TEXT indexes appears in the right pane.

StepsDisplaying a list of TEXT indexes (Interactive SQL)

  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA or RESOURCE authority.

  2. Execute a SELECT statement.

    For example, to list all Sybase IQ TEXT indexes, enter:

    SELECT * FROM sp_iqindex() where index_type = 'TEXT';

    To list all TEXT indexes, including those on catalog tables, use:

    select index_name,table_name,name from SYSIDX, SYSTEXTIDX, SYSTABLE, SYSUSERS 
    where SYSIDX.object_id=SYSTEXTIDX.index_id
    and SYSIDX.table_id=SYSTABLE.table_id 
    and SYSTABLE.creator=SYSUSERS.uid;