Creates a text configuration object.
CREATE TEXT CONFIGURATION [ owner.]new-config-name FROM [ owner.]existing-config-name
This CREATE TEXT CONFIGURATION statement creates a text configuration object, max_term_sixteen, using the default_char text configuration object. The subsequent ALTER TEXT CONFIGURATION statement changes the maximum term length for max_term_sixteen to 16:
CREATE TEXT CONFIGURATION max_term_sixteen FROM default_char;
Create a text configuration object using another text configuration object as a template and then alter the options as needed using the ALTER TEXT CONFIGURATION statement.
To view the list of all text configuration objects and their settings in the database, query the SYSTEXTCONFIG system view
FROM clause Specify the name of a text configuration object to use as the template for creating the new one. The names of the default text configuration objects are default_char and default_nchar. Only default_char is supported for Sybase IQ tables; default_nchar is supported only on SQL Anywhere tables.
Automatic commit.
Must have DBA or RESOURCE authority.
All text configuration objects have PUBLIC access. Any user with permission to create a TEXT index can use any text configuration object.