The Delete or Manage Grantee menu
options are unavailable for a standalone role.
These menu options are unavailable if the MANAGE ROLES system
privilege has not been granted to the role as a grantee, and the user has not been
designated as a role administrator of the role.
To allow these users to manage the role, either:
- Grant the MANAGE ROLES system privilege to the role as a grantee with
Administrative only rights, or
- Make the user a role administrator of the role.
The first option is the recommended solution as it allows any user with the
MANAGE ROLES system privilege to act as a global role administrator of the role, not
just the DBA user.
Note: It is strongly recommend that role administrators not be specified when creating a new
role. They should be added after the fact. This ensures that all roles can be
managed by both role and global role administrators.