Remove administrative rights only from a permission granted to an authority-based user or group, on a view or materialized view.
Database Version | Authority-Based Database Object Permissions |
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 | Requires one of:
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 | Not supported. |
The SAP Sybase IQ resource is authenticated and running.
The REVOKE command applies to the database object permission itself, not to any administrative right granted on the permission. Therefore, to remove the administrative right only and leave the database object permission intact, do not use the Revoke button. Rather, regrant the specific permission without administrative rights. Only the original grantor can remove the administrative rights only from a granted permission. If another grantor regrants the same permission without administrative rights, a new permission without administrative rights is granted, but the original permission with administrative rights remains and takes precedence over any other non-administrative grants of the same permission to the same user or group.