Create a sequence generator on a specified resource.
Database Version
Sequence Generator Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4
Requires one of:
DBA authority.
RESOURCE authority.
SAP Sybase IQ
Requires one of:
CREATE ANY SEQUENCE system privilege.
CREATE ANY OBJECT system privilege.
SAP Sybase IQ resource is authenticated and running.
In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and
select Resource > Administration Console.
In the left pane, select IQ Servers > Schema Objects > Sequence Generators.
Click the arrow next to Sequence Generators and select
The Create Sequence Wizard appears.
On the Welcome page of the wizard, specify:
Select a resource for which the sequence generator will be
Select a resource from the list.
What do you want to name the new sequence generator?
Enter a unique name for the new sequence generator; maximum of 128
Which user do you want to own the sequence generator?
From the list, select the user designated as the owner of the sequence
Click Next.
On the Values page, specify:
What is the minimum value for this sequence generator?
Enter the minimum value for the sequence generator. Default value is 1.
Valid range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
What is the maximum value for this sequence generator?
Enter the maximum value for the sequence generator. Default value is
9223372036854775807. Valid range is -9223372036854775808 to
Click Next.
On the Increment page, specify:
What is the start value for this sequence generator?
Enter the start value for the sequence generator. Default value is 1.
Valid range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
What is the increment value for this sequence generator?
Enter the incremental value for the sequence generator. Default value is
1. Valid range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
Click Next.
On the Options page, specify:
Cycle values
(Optional) Select if the sequence generator is to continue generating
values [starting over at the start value] once minimum or maximum values have
been reached. Option unselected by default.
Cache size
Enter a cache size. The cache size determines the number of preallocated
sequence values that are kept in memory for faster access. When the cache is
exhausted, it is repopulated and a corresponding entry is written to the
transaction log. Default value is 100. Valid range is 0 to unlimited.
Click Next.
(Optional) On the Comment page, specify a comment for the sequence generator.
Click Finish to create the sequence generator as