Performing Coordinator Node Failover

Manually switch the coordinator role to the designated failover node.

Database Version Multiplex Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 Requires one of:
  • DBA authority.
  • MULTIPLEX ADMIN authority.
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 Requires MANAGE MULTIPLEX system privilege.
Warning!  Performing failover while the former coordinator process is alive may cause database corruption.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, select IQ Servers.
  3. Select a multiplex from the right pane and either:
    • Click the arrow to the right of the name and select Failover, or
    • From the Administration Console menu bar, select Resource > Failover
  4. In the Failover wizard:
    1. Specify the new role for the current coordinator after failover.
    2. Select a new failover node.
    3. Click Finish.
    4. Confirm in the popup that the coordinator is not running.
Related tasks
Designating the Failover Node
Registering and Authenticating a Sybase Control Center Agent
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource