Converting a Simplex Server to Multiplex

Add a secondary server to a simplex to convert the simplex into a multiplex.

Database Version Simplex Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 Requires one of:
  • DBA authority.
  • MULTIPLEX ADMIN authority.
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 Requires MANAGE MULTIPLEX system privilege.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select IQ Servers.
  3. Select the IQ server from the right pane and either:
    • Click the arrow to the right of the name and select Add Secondary Servers, or
    • From the Administration Console menu bar, select Resource > Add Secondary Servers
    The Add Secondary Servers wizard appears.
  4. On the Server Definitions page, enter a name in the Multiplex Name field.
  5. Click Add and specify:
    Option Description
    Server name

    Secondary server name.


    The host name and port number for the new secondary server.

    Database path

    The path to the database file.

    SCC agent port

    Port number for the Sybase Control Center agent.

    SCC agent user

    User ID for the Sybase Control Center agent.

    SCC agent password

    Password for the Sybase Control Center agent.

    Public host/port pairs

    Host/port pairs in the format host1:port1,host2:port2, and so on.

    Private host/port pairs

    Host/port pairs in the format host1:port1,host2:port2, and so on.


    Reader or writer.


    Included or excluded.

    Local temp dbspace path

    Temporary store path.

    Local temp dbspace size (MB)

    Size, in megabytes, of the temporary IQ store. 0 if you select a raw device.

    Local temp dbspace reserve (MB)

    The amount of space, in megabytes, to reserve for future expansion in the temporary IQ store.

    Raw device

    Indicates a raw disk.

  6. Click OK.
  7. (Optional) Import server definitions from a CSV file.
    1. On the Node Definitions page of the wizard, click Import and specify:
      Option Description
      File Name File name of the CSV file containing delimited list of server definitions.
      Browse Opens a window where you locate the CSV file.
      Field Delimiter The default field delimiter is a vertical bar "|". If your CSV file uses a different field delimiter, enter it in this field.
    2. Click OK.
  8. (Optional) Export your existing server definitions to a CSV file for safekeeping:
    1. On the Node Definitions page of the wizard, click Export and specify:
      Option Description
      Field Delimiter The default field delimiter is a vertical bar "|". You can specify a different field delimiter.
    2. Click OK.
  9. Click Execute.
    If Sybase Control Center continues to display the converted multiplex server as a simplex, re-authenticate the simplex resource to force SCC to update its display.
Related tasks
Editing the Simplex Server Configuration File
Starting a Simplex Server
Stopping a Simplex Server
Generating an Administration Script for a Simplex Server
Viewing or Modifying Simplex Server Properties
Registering and Authenticating a Sybase Control Center Agent
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Related reference
Simplex Privilege Summary