Administration Console
Use the Administration Console to browse and manage the selected resources in a perspective.
Executing a SQL Query
Execute an ad hoc SQL query or a stored procedure against one or more SAP Sybase IQ servers.
Simplex Servers
Manage and monitor single-node in the SAP Sybase IQ environment.
Multiplex Servers
Manage and monitor multiplex servers in the SAP Sybase IQ environment.
Logical Servers
Manage and monitor logical servers in the SAP Sybase IQ environment.
Remote Servers
A remote server allows you to set up access to remote database objects, using external logins, proxy tables and remote procedures.
External Logins
External logins are alternate login names and passwords to be used when communicating with a remote server (in order to set up access to remote database objects).
Create a database and view database options and properties.
Create, delete, and display tables (including global temporary tables and proxy tables), and manage their properties, in SAP Sybase IQ.
A view is a computed table defined by the result set of its view definition, expressed as a SQL query. You can use views to show database users exactly the information you want to present, in a format you can control.
Materialized Views
A materialized view is a view whose result set has been computed and stored on disk, similar to a base table. Conceptually, a materialized view is both a view (it has a query specification stored in the catalog) and a table (it has persistent materialized rows). Materialized views are only supported for system store (IQ catalog store) tables.
Domains are user-defined data types. They improve convenience and encourage consistency in the database.
Text Configuration Objects
Create, delete, generate DDL, and manage the properties of text configuration objects.
Text Indexes
Create, delete, generate DDL, and manage the properties of text indexes and text configuration objects. A text index stores positional information for terms in an indexed column. Text indexes are created using settings stored in a text configuration object.
Sequence Generators
Sequence generators are used to generate values that are unique across multiple tables, and to generate default values that are something other than the set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3...).
Spatial Support
A spatial reference system describes where local, regional or global features are located. It defines a specific map projection, as well as transformations between different spatial reference systems.
Add, modify, view properties, or delete a dbspace.
DB Files
Add, modify, view properties, or delete a database file.
You can automate routine tasks by adding an event to a database, and providing a schedule or conditional trigger for the event. In a multiplex, an event is a global object that is shared across all nodes participating in the multiplex.
External Environments
Install, delete, update, and modify the components of external development environments.
Create, delete, display, and manage the properties of functions in SAP Sybase IQ.
Create, delete, display, and manage the properties of procedures in SAP Sybase IQ, including remote procedures and table-valued user-defined functions / table parameterized functions.
Web Services
The system store (IQ catalog store) contains a built-in HTTP server that allows you to provide Web services, as well as to access Web services in other databases and over the Internet. You can manage Web services only for system store tables.
Created May 21, 2013. Send feedback on this help topic to Technical Publications: