SAP Sybase IQ Alerts

Alerts you can use for SAP Sybase IQ.

The alerts are based on the same key performance indicators (KPIs) that are collected for the SAP Sybase IQ node level monitor displays, and for the Statistics Chart.

Note: To configure alerts for a multiplex, register each node for which you want to set alerts and add the node to a perspective. Then set up alerts for each node using the Resource Properties view (select a server in the Perspective Resources view and select Resource > Properties > Alerts). Do not create alerts in the Resource Properties view for the multiplex.
Alert/KPI Description Alert Type
Active INC incoming connections Number of internode communication (INC) incoming connections. Threshold
Active INC outgoing connections Number of INC outgoing connections. Threshold
Active INC transactions Number of active INC transactions. Threshold
Active load table statements Number of active load table statements. Threshold
Active transactions Total number of active transactions, including user and INC transactions. Threshold
Active user connections Number of active user connections. Threshold
Active user transactions Number of active user transactions. Threshold
Available communication buffers Number of available network communication buffers. Threshold
Bytes received Number of bytes per second received during client/server communications. Threshold
Bytes received uncompressed Number of bytes per second that would have been received during client/server communications if compression was disabled. Threshold
Bytes sent Number of bytes per second sent during client/server communications. Threshold
Bytes sent uncompressed Number of bytes per second that would have been sent during client/server communications if compression was disabled. Threshold
Catalog cache dirty pages percent Percentage of pages in the catalog cache where data has been modified and stored in the buffer cache and has not yet been written to disk. Threshold
Catalog cache hits Number of catalog cache hits per second. Threshold
Catalog cache in use percent Percentage of the catalog cache in use. Threshold
Catalog cache pinned Number of pinned catalog cache pages. Threshold
Catalog cache pinned percent Percentage of the catalog cache pinned. Threshold
Catalog cache reads Number of catalog cache page lookups per second. Threshold
Catalog store disk reads Number of kilobytes per second that have been read from the catalog store. Threshold
Catalog store disk writes Number of kilobytes per second that have been written to the catalog store. Threshold
CPU total usage Percentage of the Sybase IQ server CPU in use, including both system and user usage. Threshold
Dbspace size in use Dbspace size in use in MB.
Note: Do not configure dbspace alerts on secondary nodes in a multiplex—they do not work. Only the coordinator node can gather statistics for dbspaces and fire dbspace alerts.
Dbspace file size in use Dbspace file size in use in MB.
Note: Do not configure dbspace alerts on secondary nodes in a multiplex—they do not work. Only the coordinator node can gather statistics for dbspaces and fire dbspace alerts.
Dbspace percent available Percentage of Dbspace size available.
Note: Do not configure dbspace alerts on secondary nodes in a multiplex—they do not work. Only the coordinator node can gather statistics for dbspaces and fire dbspace alerts.
Dbspace file percent available Percentage of Dbspace file size available.
Note: Do not configure dbspace alerts on secondary nodes in a multiplex—they do not work. Only the coordinator node can gather statistics for dbspaces and fire dbspace alerts.
IQ active operations Number of active concurrent operations admitted by the SAP Sybase IQ resource governor. Threshold
SCC Agent Availability Indicates Sybase Control Center agent availability state. Possible values: UNKNOWN(0), STOPPED(1), and RUNNING(3). State
IQ threads in use Number of threads used by the SAP Sybase IQ server. Threshold
Main cache hits Number of main cache hits per second. Threshold
Main cache in use percent Percentage of the main cache in use. Threshold
Main cache pinned Number of pinned main cache pages. Threshold
Main cache pinned percent Percentage of the main cache pinned. Threshold
Main cache reads Number of main cache page lookups per second. Threshold
Main cache size Current main cache size in megabytes. Threshold
Main store disk reads Number of kilobytes per second that have been read from the main store. Threshold
Main store disk writes Number of kilobytes per second that have been written to the main store. Threshold
Number of active connections Total number of active connections, including user and internode communication connections. Threshold
Number of connections available Number of concurrent connections available. Threshold
Number of IQ threads available Number of threads available in the Sybase IQ server. Threshold
Requests per second Number of times per second the server has been accessed to handle a new request or continue processing an existing request. Threshold
Server availability Status of the Sybase IQ server. State
Temp cache dirty pages percent Percentage of pages in the temporary caches where data has been modified and stored in the buffer cache and has not yet been written to disk. Threshold
Temp cache hits Number of temporary cache hits per second. Threshold
Temp cache in use percent Percentage of the temporary cache in use. Threshold
Temp cache pinned Number of pinned temporary cache pages. Threshold
Temp cache pinned percent Percentage of the temporary cache pinned. Threshold
Temp cache reads Number of temporary cache page lookups per second. Threshold
Temp cache size Current temporary cache size in megabytes. Threshold
Temp store disk reads Number of kilobytes per second that have been read from the temporary store. Threshold
Temp store disk writes Number of kilobytes per second that have been written to the temporary store. Threshold
Total communication buffers Total number of network communication buffers. Threshold
Unscheduled requests Number of requests that are currently queued up waiting for an available server thread. Threshold
User connections per minute Number of user connections per minute. Threshold
User disconnections per minute Number of user disconnections per minute. Threshold
Related concepts
Alert-Triggered Scripts
Related reference
Alert Types and Severities for SAP Sybase IQ
Alert-Triggered Script Examples
Substitution Parameters for Scripts