Viewing Multiplex Cache Statistics

Display the cache statistics for all servers in an SAP Sybase IQ multiplex.
  1. In the Perspective Resources window, select the resource, click the arrow, and select Monitor Multiplex.
  2. In the left pane of the IQ Multiplex Level Monitor view, select Caches.
  3. Select the tab for the cache type to show.
    Each cache type tab provides a graph with colored lines for each selected server.
Note: To display the information in a chart or table in the full window, select the Maximize icon in the top right of the area.

Hover the mouse pointer over any line or bar graph to display information for that graph.

Chart Description

Cache Reads

Number of cache reads per second for a period of time. The cache reads for the catalog, main, and temporary caches appear. The legend at the right of the chart identifies the colored line associated with each server.

Cache Size

The megabyte allocation for the selected cache type on each server in the multiplex, and the number of megabytes in use.

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