Dividing large tables into more manageable storage objects, called partitions, can
improve performance.
Partitions share the logical attributes of the parent table. Manage partitions
individually by placing them in separate dbspaces.
Creating a Hash Partition
Hash partitioning distributes table data to logical partitions for parallel execution, which can enhance join performance on large tables and distributed queries. Hash partitioning maps data to partitions based on partition key values processed by an internal hashing function.
Creating a Range Partition
Range partitioning divides large tables by a range of partition-key values established for each partition. Range partitioning can shorten backup and restore times, provide a finer level of granularity for data validation, and support tiered storage.
Creating a Hash-Range Partition
Hash-range partitioning is a composite partitioning scheme that subpartitions a hash-partitioned table by range. Hash-range partitioning provides the benefits of hash and range partitioning.