the Create Domain wizard to create an SAP Sybase IQ domain.
Database Version
Domain Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4
Requires one of:
DBA authority.
RESOURCE authority.
SAP Sybase IQ
Requires one of:
CREATE DATATYPE system privilege.
CREATE ANY OBJECT system privilege.
SAP Sybase IQ resource is authenticated and running.
In a multiplex configuration, the coordinator node is running.
In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
In the left pane, select IQ Servers > Schema Objects > Domains.
Click the arrow next to Domain and select
The Create Domain Wizard appears.
On the Welcome page, specify
Select a resource for which the domain will be created
From the list, select the resource for which the domain will be
What do you want to name the domain?
Enter a unique name for the new domain; maximum of 128
Which built-in type do you want to use?
From the list, select the domain type. Specify the size, scale and unit
when enabled for specify types.
Note: For appropriate data type options and default values,
in the SAP Sybase IQ documentation,
see Reference: Building Blocks, Tables, and
Procedures > SQL Data Types.
Click Next.
On the Clauses page, specify
This domain has a default value
Select to define a default value.
Null values
Select whether null values will be allowed. Default is to use the
database default setting, which allows null values.
Click Next.
On the Check Constraint page, specify a check constraint for the domain.
Click Finish.
Constraints and Defaults with Domains
Many of the attributes associated with columns, such as allowing NULL values, having a DEFAULT value, and so on, can be built into a user-defined data type.