Triggering an Event

Execute an event. You can trigger an event manually regardless of its type (manual, scheduled, or conditional). The TRIGGER EVENT statement can be called at any time for any event.

Database Version Event Privileges
SAP Sybase IQ 15.3 and 15.4 Requires DBA authority.
SAP Sybase IQ 16.0 Requires MANAGE ANY EVENT system privilege.
  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the resource and select Resource > Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console, expand IQ Servers > Compiled Objects > Events.
  3. Select an event from the right pane, click the arrow to the right of the name and select Trigger.
  4. (Optional) Enter event parameters.
    This dialog allows you to explicitly supply parameters to simulate a context for the event handler. You can use this dialog to test trigger conditions such as disk space restrictions (when a disk fills beyond a specified percentage) or other trigger conditions that are required to trigger an event handler. For example, you can have an event that takes different actions depending which user ID is connected to the database: calling the event parameter ( 'User' ) in the event handler does this. To simulate triggering this event for the user P_Chin, type the following in the Parameters text box: "User"='P_Chin' The word User must be contained in double quotes because it is a reserved word in SQL.
  5. Click OK to confirm trigger.
Related concepts
Event Schedules
Related tasks
Creating an Event
Deleting an Event
Disabling an Event
Enabling an Event
Generating Event DDL Commands
Viewing or Modifying Event Properties
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Related reference
Event Privilege Summary