Adding a Resource to a Perspective

Add one or more resources to the current perspective.

Register the resources.
Add servers or other resources to a perspective so you can monitor and manage them along with other resources in the same perspective.
  1. From the Sybase Control Center toolbar, click the Launch Resource Explorer icon.
  2. Select the resources to add to your perspective. Use Shift-click or Control-click to select multiple resources.
  3. Perform one of these actions:
    • Select Resources > Add Resources to Perspective.
    • Drag and drop resources from the Resource Explorer onto the Perspective Resources view. You can select and drag multiple resources.
Related tasks
Unregistering a Resource
Removing a Resource from a Perspective
Modifying a Resource’s Name and Connection Properties
Searching for Resources in the Resource Explorer
Registering an SAP Sybase IQ Server
Importing Resources for Batch Registration