Multiplex Node Does Not Appear in Monitor

Problem: One or more multiplex nodes are not visible in the IQ Multiplex Level Monitor view.

The node might not be selected for monitoring. This might be the case when a node has been added or is being monitored by another copy of Sybase Control Center, or when the maximum number of nodes to monitor is set too low.


  1. In the Perspective Resources view, select the multiplex and click the arrow to the right of its name.
  2. Select Monitor Multiplex.
  3. In the left pane of the monitor view, select Settings.
  4. In the right pane, make a note of the value displayed for Maximum number of nodes to show in charts.
  5. Click Select Nodes.
  6. In the Server column, check the box for the missing node, or click Select All.
  7. If the number of nodes selected exceeds the value of Maximum number of nodes to show in charts:
    1. Click Cancel.
    2. Increase the value of Maximum number of nodes to show in charts and click Apply.
  8. Return to Select Nodes and check the nodes you want to add.
  9. Click OK.