Configuring Retrieval Thresholds for the Administration Console

(Optional) Set limits on the time the Administration Console waits for data to load or on the number of rows it loads.

Launch Sybase Control Center and log in using an account with administrative privileges. (The login account or its group must have sccAdminRole.)

Performing some tasks may cause the Administration Console to load a large amount of data, which can be time-consuming and can place a heavy load on your network. This is particularly likely if your perspective includes many resources. The Administration Console mitigates this problem by displaying partial results and by displaying placeholders called message rows when data takes longer than a specified number of seconds to retrieve or exceeds a specified number of rows. The data retrieval options let you specify those numbers.

This data retrieval scheme reduces network traffic because result sets that exceed the specified row count are not transmitted unless you ask for them by expanding a message row. By displaying partial results and message rows for data from slow-responding resources, the scheme also minimizes the time you spend waiting.

  1. From the application’s menu bar, select Application > Administration.
  2. Select General Settings.
  3. Click the Administration Console tab.
  4. Set the timeout for data retrieval in seconds.
    When SCC is not able to return all requested data within this period of time, it displays any data it has received and generates message rows in place of the missing results. The Administration Console replaces message rows with real data as soon as the data arrives.
  5. Set the row count.
    When a request returns results that exceed the specified row count, SCC displays a message row in place of the expected results. You can expand the message row by selecting it, clicking the drop-down arrow, and selecting Expand.
  6. Click OK (to apply the change and close the properties dialog) or Apply (to apply the change and leave the dialog open).
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