Refreshing or Converting an Instance

Refresh a Sybase Control Center server or agent deployed from an installation on a shared disk, or convert between server and agent.

Shut down the instance.

When you refresh an instance of an SCC server or agent, SCC recopies files from the main installation on the shared disk (SCC-3_2/) into the instance’s subdirectories (SCC-3_2/instances/<instance-name>). In Windows, SCC recopies all the files that make up this instance; in UNIX, it recopies all this instance’s services and plug-ins.

Refreshing an instance preserves configuration and logs but overwrites the repository, so historical performance data is lost.

As part of a refresh, you can:
  • Convert a server to an agent
  • Convert an agent to a server
  • Reassign ports on the instance

Converting from an agent to a server adds server-related files to the instance; converting from a server to an agent removes files.

  1. Change to SCC-3_2/bin.
  2. Refresh the instance. Change the instance names and port values in the sample commands to suit your environment, but take care to specify ports that are not in use by another SCC instance or any other application or server.
    This command refreshes an SCC server called boston. If boston is an agent, it becomes a server after the refresh.
    sccinstance -refresh -server -instance boston
    This command refreshes an SCC agent called kalamazoo. If kalamazoo is a server, it becomes an agent after the refresh.
    sccinstance -refresh -agent -instance kalamazoo
    This command refreshes an SCC agent called kalamazoo and reassigns kalamazoo’s RMI and TDS ports. If kalamazoo is a server, it becomes an agent after the refresh.
    sccinstance -refresh -agent -instance kalamazoo -portconfig rmi=7070,tds=7071
  3. (Optional) Display the status of the refreshed instance. Replace the name in the sample command with your instance’s name, or omit the -instance option to display the status of the instance on this host.
    sccinstance -instance kalamazoo
Related concepts
Shared-Disk Mode
Related tasks
Enabling and Disabling Shared-Disk Mode
Deploying an Instance from a Shared Disk Installation
Removing an Instance
Related information
sccinstance Command