Edit the logging configuration file, log4j.properties, to modify Sybase Control Center logging.
You can change the names, locations, or maximum size of the log files as well as the number of log files backed up.
Options for the scc command let you change the overall Sybase Control Center log message level when you start SCC, but if you choose the DEBUG level, the large volume of log messages generated may be inconvenient. Editing the log properties file gives you finer control; you can set logging levels for each Sybase Control Center component separately. Sybase recommends making such changes only if you are familiar with log4j and you are working with Sybase technical support; DEBUG-level log messages are not likely to be meaningful to you. (If you have not used log4j before, a good place to start is http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html.)