Create a column encryption key using a specified encryption method.
- In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand .
- Click Column Encryption Keys.
- Select New.
You see the Add Column Encryption Key wizard.
- Select the server and database where the encryption key is being
- Select the key owner.
- Enter an encryption key name.
- Select these parameters for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm:
- Key length – choose 128, 192, or 256, depending on the level of security you need.
- Default key – select this key as the default key to allow users to create encrypted columns without specifying the key.
- Encryption method – select one of:
- Select the initialization vector to be either random (the default) or null. Use
initialization vector padding to increase the security of encrypted data by
increasing the cryptographic variance of the cipher text.
- Select the pad value to be either random or null (the default). If pad is set
to random, the datatype padding is used when the length is smaller than one
- (Optional) Click Summary to verify your selected options.