Adding an Instance to a Cluster

Add additional instances to an existing cluster.

The maximum number of instances for the selected cluster must be set large enough to allow additional instances. Also, the agent must be running on the node on which you are adding the instance.
  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand ASE Servers > Cluster Management, then select Instances.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow and select New.
  3. On the Introduction screen, select the cluster to which to add an instance.
  4. (Optional) On the Cluster information screen, you can import an existing instance file.
  5. On the Nodes screen, click Add to specify the hosts that participate in the cluster. Provide the host name, the agent port number, and the agent user name and password.
  6. The Quorum Device screen provides information about the designated quorum device. Once the device is accepted, the cluster agent plug-in is deployed to the agent host. If the duplicate agent plug-in already exists, you are prompted to create a new plug-in or accept the existing plug-in.
  7. The Cluster Environment screen is specific to a shared installation. For a private installation, this information is specified when you are defining instances for the cluster.
    If a Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) base device is detected on the system, you are prompted to integrate the cluster dataserver with the Veritas cluster server. See Using the Cluster Edition with the Veritas Cluster Server in the Clusters Users Guide.
    If an LDAP environment is detected, see Using LDAP as a Directory Service in the Clusters Users Guide.
    If the devices you specify in the following steps do not include SCSI-3 PGR capability or do not support I/O fencing, you are prompted to continue, not continue, or to ignore further messages. You do not see this dialog if a VCS device is detected.
  8. Click Add to add instances to the cluster.
    You see the Define Server Instance screen with the tabs General, Local System Temporary Database, and for a private installation, Private.
  9. On the General tab:
    1. Select the node on which to add the instance.
    2. Enter the instance name.
    3. Select a query port number, then select Validate Port to make sure it is available.
    4. Select a primary and secondary network address. The Secondary option is enabled if you specified on the Network Protocol screen that a secondary address is available.
    5. Provide a full path to the error log for this instance.
    6. List any start-up parameters for the instance.
    7. List any trace flags to use at start-up.
  10. On the Local System Temporary Database tab, default values are provided for the local temporary databases. You must create a local system temporary database for a shared-disk installation. Accept the defaults or change the database device values.
  11. (Optional) On the Private tab:
    1. Home directory – the SAP ASE release directory (value of $SYBASE).
    2. SAP ASE home – the full path to the ASE-16_0 directory (value of $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE).
    3. Interfaces directory – path to the directory containing the interfaces file.
    4. Environment script – full path to the script that you use to set the environment variables.
    5. Cluster configuration file – full path to the cluster configuration file.
  12. (Optional) Click Summary to review the information you have provided.
  13. (Optional) Click Export to save the instance information to a file.
  14. Click Next to add the instance to the selected cluster.
    Note: After adding instances, start each one separately.