WCFnetNamedPipeBinding Class

The WCFnetNamedPipeBinding class provides a secure binding that is optimized for on-machine use.


Note: NetNamedPipeBinding supports transactions and uses binary message encoding, transport security, and named pipes for message delivery. The default configuration for the NetNamedPipeBinding is for on-machine communication only.
WCFnetNamedPipeBinding property Type Description
MaxConnections Int32 (PowerScript long) Specifies a value for the maximum number of connections to be pooled for subsequent reuse on the client. The default is 10.
TransactionFlow Boolean Specifies whether transaction flowing is supported. Values are:
  • true – supported.
  • false (default) – not supported.
TransactionProtocol TransactionProtocolType (enumeration) Specifies the transaction protocol to use in flowing transactions. Values are: DEFAULT, OLETRANSACTIONS (default), WSATOMICTRANSACTION11, and WSATOMICTRANSACTION_ OCTOBER2004.
TransferMode WSTransferMode (enumeration) Gets or sets a value to indicate whether messages are buffered or streamed. Values are: BUFFERED (default), STREAMED, STREAMEDREQUEST, and STREAMEDRESPONSE.
Security NetNamedPipeSecurity (class) Specifies the type of security to use with services configured for NetNamedPipeBinding. Values are: NONE and TRANSPORT (default).
ReaderQuotas WCFReaderQuotas (class) Gets or sets processing constraints based on the SOAP message complexity for endpoints with this binding type.
HostNameComparisonMode WCFHostNameComparisonMode (enum) When matching the URI, indicates whether to use the host name to reach the service. Values are: StrongWildCard (default), Exact, and WeakWildCard.
MaxBufferSize Int32 (PowerScript long) Specifies the maximum size for a buffer that receives messages from the channel. The default value is 65536.
MaxBufferPoolSize Int64 (PowerScript longlong) Specifies the maximum amount of memory allocated for the manager of the buffers required by the endpoints using this binding. The default value is 524288.
MaxReceivedMessageSize Int64 (PowerScript longlong) Specifies the maximum size for a message that can be processed by the binding. The default value is 65536.