REST Client Project Properties

The Project painter lets you modify properties defined in the REST Client Proxy wizard, and define other required service properties

REST Client Project Painter: General Tab

Setting Description
Deployment PBL The full path of the library into which PowerBuilder .NET generates the proxy NVO.

Example: C:\MyWPFapp\mytest.pbl

Library Comments Any comments about this service that are useful for other developers or maintainers.
Clear deployment PBL on proxy generation Deletes user objects from the deployment PBL when you generate the proxy.
Confirm before removing user objects from deployment PBL Gives you a chance to cancel the operation before generating the proxy.
Proxy namespace An optional namespace for the proxy object.
Proxy name The file name of the proxy to be generated in the deployment PBL. The file extension is PBL.

REST Client Project Painter: REST Services Tab

Setting Description
Service URL The URL of the service on the Web.

The method URL specification can contain variables that are replaced by constant values at runtime.

Web Method The HTTP method action the service uses:
  • HTTP POST (most commonly used action to modify data)
The remaining options in this table are set independently for request messages and response messages.
Message Format The format for message data. The available format options are:
  • None – no message is used (default), and no other message options are available.
  • DataContract – an XML format defined in a WCF data contract, a serializer that abstracts .NET types from schemas and XML data. Typically, RESTful services with data contracts are developed in WCF using a WebHttpBinding endpoint.
  • XML – well-formed XML.
  • JSON – JavaScript Object Notation.
Unless you choose None, these additional options are available:
  • Use primitive datatypes – The proxy uses only primitive types and simple arrays.
  • Use provided schema/sample data to create assembly – The generated assembly defines the the specified datatype using a schema or instance that you reference.
  • Use datatype from referenced assembly – PowerBuilder .NET uses an existing assembly that defines the specified datatype instead of generating a new assembly.

(or sample data for request or response message)

A schema or data sample that defines the required datatype. Optionally, click the Browse button to choose a file that contains the schema or data.

Available only if you choose the option, Use provided schema/sample data to create assembly.

Assembly Name Name of the data assembly file to generate for the message.

Example: C:\pbtest\WebGetxbNestStruct.dll

Not available if you choose the option, Use primitive datatype.

If you choose Use provided schema/sample data to create assembly, you can click the Generate button to create the specified data assembly file.

Argument Type Any of the primitive or complex types that you select, or an array of the specified type (if you also select Array type).