Debug Windows

The debugger uses several windows, each showing a different kind of information about the current state of your application or the debugging session

This table summarizes the contents and use of each window for debugging.

Debugger Windows
Window What it shows What you can do
Breakpoints A list of breakpoints with indicators showing whether the breakpoints are currently active or inactive. Set, enable, disable, and clear breakpoints, set a condition for a breakpoint, and show source for a breakpoint in the Script Editor.
Call Stack The sequence of function calls leading up to the function that was executing at the time of the breakpoint. Available only when the debugger is running. Examine the context of the application at any line in the call stack.
Script Editor The full text of a script. The Script Editor is updated when the context of your application changes to another script. If you have multiple Script Editors open, only the first one opened is updated. Go to a specific line in a script, find a string, open another script, including ancestor and descendant scripts, manage breakpoints, and use DataTip and QuickWatch.
Autos A list of variables used in the current line of code and the preceding line of code, when the debugger is running. For native C++, the Autos window displays function return values as well. Show and hide variables, change the value of a variable, and set a watch on a variable.
All Variables An expandable list of all types of variables in scope when the debugger is running. Includes these types:
  • Global Variables – Values of all global variables defined for the application and properties of all objects (such as windows) that are open
  • Shared Variables – The shared variables associated with objects, such as applications, windows, and menus, that have been opened
  • Instance Variables – Properties of the current object instance (the object to which the current script belongs), and values of instance variables defined for the current object
Show and hide each variable type, change the value of a variable, and set a watch on a variable.
Watch A list of variables you have selected to watch as the application runs in debug mode. Change the value of a variable, set a watch on a variable, or add an arbitrary expression to the Watch view. You can maintain as many as four Watch windows.
QuickWatch Similar to the Watch window, but QuickWatch can display only one variable or expression at a time. Available only when the debugger is running. Take a quick look at a variable or expression without bringing up the Watch window. Alternatively, use DataTips.
Immediate A range of variables, expressions, or executable statements. While in design mode or debug mode, specify variables or expressions that you want to evaluate during debugging.

In design mode, immediately execute functions, subroutines, or Visual Studo commands.

Visualizers Display a data object in a manner that is appropriate to its data type. You can learn about Visualizers in the MSDN library for Visual Studio 2010.

The PowerBuilder debugger provides two types of visualizers. Each displays the values of primary, deleted, and filtered data buffers in different ways:

  • DataWindow visualizer – displays the contents of the buffer as it might appear in an application that handles its data type, such as a bitmap or HTML document.
    Note: Does not display data for crosstab and composite style DataWindows, and does not support report control.
  • ListView visualizer – displays the contents of the buffer in a list format.
    Note: Displays blog data types as System.Byte[].

    Displays only inner data for customer controls.

    Does not support composite DataWindows or report controls.

When you see the magnifying glass icon in a DataTip, in a debugger variables window, or in the QuickWatch dialog box, click the magnifying glass to see its contents in a visualizer: