There are a number of semantic differences between PowerBuilder .NET and PowerBuilder Classic.
The main semantic differences are listed below:
The PBL directory in PowerBuilder .NET must have a PBL extension, and it must contain a PBLX file. Although you can add other files, including PowerBuilder source files, to the library directories using file management tools, the PowerBuilder .NET Solution Explorer recognizes only the files registered in the PBLX. You can register PowerBuilder source files either by creating them in the IDE or by importing them, as in PowerBuilder Classic.
As a corollary to this syntactic difference, controls that are inside a GroupBox in PowerBuilder .NET belong to the GroupBox and not to the container of the GroupBox. When you migrate a PowerBuilder Classic application with radio button controls inside a GroupBox, the migration wizard automatically attributes the radio buttons to the GroupBox in the migrated application. Therefore, if you make the GroupBox invisible at runtime, the radio buttons will also be invisible.
For resize events in applications that you migrate to PowerBuilder .NET, this difference in processing may require you to comment out any script that changes the position of the radio button controls inside a GroupBox. However, the migration wizard does not attribute other types of controls to a GroupBox, only radio buttons. The other types of controls are attributed to a panel control during migration.