Enabling Remote Procedure Calls

A description of the software components you need to use Sybase CEP Engine RPC functionality and how the components work together.

Sybase CEP Remote Procedure Call (RPC) functionality allows CCL statements to execute a function or procedure that is running outside the Sybase CEP Server process, either on the same computer as the Sybase CEP Server or on a different computer. For information about remote procedure call plugins and instructions for creating your own plugins, see the Sybase CEP Integration Guide .

To use the Sybase CEP Engine RPC functionality, install and use the following software components:

These components work together as follows:

  1. The CCL Remote Procedure Statement or remote subquery invokes the RPC plugin by specifying the plugin's unique service name (as identified in the c8-services.xml file) and may also pass values to the plugin, which are then passed on to the RPC server.

    The Remote Procedure Statement sends remote procedure calls to an external non-CCL, non-relational database destination, but cannot retrieve any data from this remote service into CCL. The remote subquery is a subquery within a CCL Query Statement that sends Remote Function Calls to an external non-CCL, non-relational database service, and retrieves the resulting data into the CCL query. A remote subquery does not modify the data in the external service. For more information about the Remote Procedure Statement and the remote subquery, see the Sybase CEP CCL Reference Guide .

  2. Sybase CEP Server uses the service name and the information defined for the service in the c8-services.xml file to determine which RPC plugin to use and which function(s) in that plugin to call. Sybase CEP Server may also read some plugin configuration parameters (also defined in the c8-services.xml file service entry) and make these available to the plugin, which can read them by calling appropriate function(s) in the API.

  3. The RPC plugin communicates with the RPC server and invokes the remotely-callable procedure. When appropriate, the plugin passes remote procedure parameter values from the CCL query to that RPC and/or receives values back from the RPC and makes them available to the CCL query.