Configuring Apple Push Settings for the Mobile Workflow Application

The certificate that was exported from the keychain corresponding to Apple Push settings must be configured with the correct application name in SCC.

Note: When configuring the Apple Push Notification Service, change the push gateway, push gateway port, feedback gateway, and feedback gateway port values only when configuring notifications in a development environment. To enable Apple push notifications, the firewall must allow outbound connections to Apple push notification servers on default ports 2195 and 2196. The default URL is for production and should be changed to After making these changes, you must restart your machine.
  1. In the left navigation pane, expand the Servers folder and select a server.
  2. Select Server Configuration.
  3. In the Messaging tab, select Apple Push Configuration.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter the Application name. Make sure this name matches the AppId entered in the Branding.strings file.
    Note: The application name is HWC.
  6. Select Use existing certificate to use a security certificate file that already exists on the server.
    When you select this option, the list of available certificates appears in the Certificate name menu.
    1. Select the desired certificate from the list, for example, MobileWorkflow212PushDistCert.p12, which is located in <Unwired_Platform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\MessagingServer\bin.
    2. Enter and confirm the certificate password.
      Note: If you are using the Sybase Mobile Workflow <version> version of the Workflow from the App Store, enter the password: M0bileW0rkfl0w;SUP.
  7. Select Use new certificate to create a new certificate on the server.
    1. Enter a name for the new certificate.
    2. Specify a Base64-encoded string by choosing one of these:
      • Browse from file – select a security certificate file on the server that contains the Base64-encoded string.
      • Base64-encoded string – manually enter the Base64-encoded string.
    3. If you selected a file from the server for the Base64-encoded string, you can overwrite the existing certificate file with the details you specify during new certificate creation. To do so, select the box adjacent to Overwrite existing certificate.
    4. Enter and confirm the certificate password.
  8. Click OK.
  9. You can verify that the device is configured for APNS correctly by verifying that the device token has been passed from the workflow application after the workflow application runs once on the device.

    Use the Send a Notification tool inside the Mobile Workflow Forms editor to send a test notification.
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Testing Server Initiated Mobile Workflow Packages
Related reference
Viewing Workflow Messages on the Device