Configuring the BlackBerry Simulator for Mobile Workflow Packages

Copy the .cod files to the BlackBerry Simulator directory.

MDS must be running.
  1. Start the BlackBerry simulator.
  2. From File > Load BlackBerry Application or Theme. .
  3. Navigate to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\Workflow\BB.
  4. Select the required .cod files, then click OK. These include:
    • CommonClientLib.cod – shared code that can be used by native Sybase Unwired Platform BlackBerry applications.
    • MessagingClientLib.cod – the main Messaging library, shared code that can be used by native SUP BlackBerry applications.
    • MocaClientLib.cod – messaging library.
    • Workflow.cod – the main Mobile Workflow application and Sybase Settings, where the user enters the server connection information.