Introduction to Developing Mobile Workflow Applications With Sybase Unwired Platform
A Mobile Workflow application includes both business logic (the data itself and associated metadata that defines data flow and availability), and device-resident presentation and logic.
Within Sybase Unwired Platform, development tools enable both aspects of Mobile Workflow application development:
The data aspects of the Mobile Workflow application are called mobile business objects (MBO), and “MBO development” refers to defining object data models with back-end enterprise information system (EIS) connections, attributes, operations, and relationships. Mobile Workflow applications can reference one or more MBOs and can include load parameters, personalization, and error handling.
Once you have developed MBOs and deployed them to Unwired Server, develop device-resident presentation and logic for your Mobile Workflow application using the Mobile Workflow Forms Editor.
Note: See Sybase Unwired WorkSpace – Mobile Business Object Development for procedures and information about creating and deploying MBOs.
Hybrid Web Container Patterns
The Hybrid Web container allows you to create lightweight applications that implement various business solutions. These are some of the primary Hybrid Web container and the Unwired Platform patterns (models):
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