This file gives you access to the Mobile Workflow general utility functions.
All of general utility functions are synchronous.
Method | Description |
guid() | Generates a unique string. |
S4() | This function is for use in generating a GUID. |
trimSpaces(str) | Removes spaces from the specified string. str – the specified string. |
convertToValidJavaScriptName(str) | Converts the specified string to one that is a valid JavaScript function name. str – the specified string. |
escapeValue(str) | Replaces all instances in the specified string:
str – the specified string. |
unescapeValue(str) | Replaces all instances in the specified string:
str – the specified string. |
isIOS() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on an iOS platform. |
isBlackBerry() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on a BlackBerry platform. |
isBlackBerry5() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on the BlackBerry 5 platform. |
isBlackBerry5WithTouchScreen() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on the BlackBerry 5 platform with touchscreen capabilities. |
isBlackBerry6NonTouchScreen() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on a BlackBerry 6 platform without touchscreen capabilities. |
isWindowsMobile() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on a Windows Mobile Professional platform. |
isWindows() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on a Windows platform. |
isAndroid() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on the Android platform. |
isAndroid3() | Returns true if the Mobile Workflow application is running on the Android 3.0 platform. |
isLocaleDatetimeFormat(htmlElement) | Returns true if the specified HTML element has an attribute indicating that it should use a locale-specific display.
getAttribute(htmlElement, attributeName) | Reliably returns the specified attribute value for the specified HTML element.
getElementsByTagName(htmlElement, tagName) | Reliably returns the list of elements with the specified tag name, searching only the subtree underneath the specified element.
isSomeFormOfParent(htmlElement, htmlElementToTest) | Determines whether the second specified HTML element is an ancestor of the first specified HTML element.
getFormElementById(formElement, elementID) | Returns the form element with the specified ID.
getXMLHTTPRequest() | Reliably returns an XMLHttpRequest object. Note: This method is supported only on BlackBerry and Windows Mobile platforms.
getURLParam(paramName) | Returns the specified parameter value from the current URL (window.location.href). paramName – the specified parameter name. |