Mobile Workflow Data Change Notification Development Life Cycle

To use a DCN with the Mobile Workflow package follow this basic task flow.

See Data Change Notification in theUnwired Server Developer Guide for more information.
  1. Develop the Sybase Unwired Platform package and deploy it to Unwired Server.
  2. Develop the Mobile Workflow associated with the back-end database.
  3. Log into Sybase Control Center and assign the Mobile Workflow package to a device.
  4. On the device, configure the Mobile Workflow settings and activate the Mobile Workflow..
  5. Write the DCN request to update the back-end database.
  6. Write the Mobile Workflow DCN servlet so that it responds to a change on the backend EIS and generates a Mobile Workflow request in the JSON data format.
    This request can include one, or many, general DCN requests.
  7. Invoke the Mobile Workflow DCN servlet in one of two ways—HTTP authentication or non HTTP authentication.
  8. Process the HTTP response. If the response code is 200, the Mobile Workflow DCN result can be read from the HTTP response.