Configuring the Android Emulator

Configure an Android emulator for testing a Sybase Mobile Workflow package.

Note: This tutorial was developed using one of the supported Android SDK versions. If you use a different version, the interface might differ in some details.
  1. Install the Android SDK.
    Go to to download and install the Android SDK. Follow the instructions on the Android page, with these exceptions:
    • See Supported Hardware and Software for the most current version information for mobile device platforms and third-party development environments.
    • Do not install the ADT plugin for Eclipse.
    • When specifying the install location, consider choosing a path that does not contain spaces, such as C:\Android\android-sdk. Some versions of the Android SDK do not work correctly when installed in the default drive:\ Program Files location.
    • If the Android installer stops with a message that the required Java JDK is not found on your system (even when the JDK is installed), try clicking Back and then Next, one or more times, until the installer detects the JDK.
  2. Click Start Programs > Android SDK Tooks > SDK Manager.

    avd manager
  3. Add a device:
    1. In the Android SDK and AVD Manager, click Virtual devices, then click New.
    2. In the Create new Android Virtual Device window, enter a name.
    3. For the target, select a supported Android version.
    4. Set any other available options you want, then click Create AVD.

    create new avd
  4. Select the new virtual device and click Start.
  5. In Launch Options, optionally modify the default display scaling, then click Launch.

    launch avd
  6. When the Android screen finishes loading, open a command prompt and run the adb commmand to install the Sybase application package files.SybaseDataProvider.apk and Workflow.apk to the virtual device.Install the located in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\ClientAPI\Workflow\Android.
    The adb.exe program is located in <Android_InstallDir>\android-sdk\platform-tools, and the apk files are located in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\ClientAPI\Workflow\Android
    For example:
    C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb install ^
    C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb install ^
The Sybase Mobile Workflow package is available in the emulator.