Sending an Order Notification to the Device

Use the mobile workflow "Send a notification" option to send a message to the registered user, which tests the server notification process.

Before sending notification to the client, you must:
  1. Register a device user and assign it to the workflow package in Sybase Control Center (SCC).
  2. Download and configure the Sybase messaging client on the device or emulator to match those performed in SCC.

    See your Sybase documentation for details.

  1. In the Flow Design of the Mobile Workflow Forms Editor, right-click and select Send a notification.
  2. Select Get Device Users, and set the To field to User1, or whatever device user is registered in SCC and assigned to the workflow package.
  3. In the Subject field, enter a sales order that meets the matching rules criteria defined for the Sales_order workflow application. For example:
    Order (2001) created
  4. Click Send.
    The message is sent to the device. The number 2001 in the notification identifies and returns row 2001 (the findByParameter object query parameter).