ApplicationCallback API

This callback interface is invoked by events of interest to a mobile application.

You must register an ApplicationCallback implementation to your instance to receive these callbacks.

Callbacks in the ApplicationCallback Interface
Callback Description
- (void)onApplicationSettingsChanged :(SUPStringList*)names Invoked when one or more application settings have been changed by the server administration.
- (void)onConnectionStatusChanged :(SUPInt)connectionStatus :(SUPInt)errorCode :(SUPNullableString)errorMessage Invoked when the connection status changes. The possible connection status values are defined in the ConnectionStatus class.
- (void)onDeviceConditionChanged :(SUPInt)deviceCondition Invoked when a condition is detected on the mobile device that may be of interest to the application or the application user. The possible device condition values are defined in the DeviceCondition class.
- (void)onRegistrationStatusChanged :(SUPInt)registrationStatus :(SUPInt)errorCode :(SUPNullableString)errorMessage Invoked when the registration status changes. The possible registration status values are defined in the RegistrationStatus class.