registerApplication (int timeout)

Creates the registration for this application and starts the connection. An ApplicationTimeoutException is thrown if the method does not succeed within the number of seconds specified by the timeout.

If an application identifier has not already been set, a SUPPersistanceException is thrown. If connection properties are not available, a SUPConnectionPropertyException is thrown. If the timeout is greater than 0 and the registration takes longer than the timeout, then a SUPApplicationTimeoutException is thrown, even though the process will continue in the background. If you use this method, do not call startConnection.

If a callback handler is registered and network connectivity is available, the sequence of callbacks as a result of calling registerApplication is:

onRegistrationStatusChanged(RegistrationStatus.REGISTERING, 0, "")
onConnectionStatusChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTING, 0, "")
onConnectionStatusChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED, 0, "")
onRegistrationStatusChanged(RegistrationStatus.REGISTERED, 0, "")

When the connectionStatus of CONNECTED has been reached and the application's applicationSettings have been received from the server, the application is now in a suitable state for database subscriptions and/or synchronization. If a callback handler is registered and network connectivity is unavailable, the sequence of callbacks as a result of calling registerApplication is:

onRegistrationStatusChanged(RegistrationStatus.REGISTERING, 0, "")
onRegistrationStatusChanged(RegistrationStatus.REGISTRATION_ERROR, code, message)

In such a case, the registration process has permanently failed and will not continue in the background. If a callback handler is registered and network connectivity is available for the start of registration but becomes unavailable before the connection is established, the sequence of callbacks as a result of calling registerApplication is:

onRegistrationStatusChanged(RegistrationStatus.REGISTERING, 0, "")
onConnectionStatusChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTING, 0, "")
onConnectionStatusChanged(ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_ERROR, code, message)

In such a case, the registration process has temporarily failed and will continue in the background when network connectivity is restored.


- (void)registerApplication :(SUPInt)timeout;




You must set up the ConnectionProperties and ApplicationIdentifier before you can invoke registerApplication.

SUPApplication* app = [SUPApplication getInstance];
[app setApplicationIdentifier:@"SUP101"];

MyApplicationCallbackHandler *ch = [MyApplicationCallbackHandler getInstance];
[ch retain]; 
[app setApplicationCallback:ch];

SUPConnectionProperties* props = app.connectionProperties;
[props setServerName:@""];
[props setPortNumber:5001];

SUPLoginCredentials* login = [SUPLoginCredentials getInstance];
login.username = @"supAdmin";
login.password = @"supPwd";
props.loginCredentials = login;

if ([app registrationStatus] != SUPRegistrationStatus_REGISTERED && 
[app registrationStatus] != SUPRegistrationStatus_REGISTERING ) 
[app registerApplication:120]; // 120 second timeout for registration