The iOS Client Object API defines server-side and client-side exceptions.
Server-Side Exceptions
A server-side exception occurs when a client tries to update or create a record and the Unwired Server throws an exception.
HTTP Error Codes
Unwired Server examines the EIS code received in a server response message and maps it to a logical HTTP error code, if a corresponding error code exists. If no corresponding code exists, the 500 code is assigned to signify either a Sybase Unwired Platform internal error, or an unrecognized EIS error. The EIS code and HTTP error code values are stored in log records.
Mapping of EIS Codes to Logical HTTP Error Codes
The following is a list of SAP error codes mapped to HTTP error codes. SAP error codes which are not listed map by default to HTTP error code 500.
Client-Side Exceptions
The HeaderDoc for the iOS Client Object API lists the possible exceptions for the client.
Attribute Datatype Conversion
When a non-nullable attribute's datatype is converted to a non-primitive datatype (such as class NSNumber, NSDate, and so on), you must verify that the the corresponding property for the MBO instance is assigned a non-nil value, otherwise the application may receive a runtime exception when creating a new MBO instance.
Operation Name Conflicts
Operation names that conflict with special field types are not handled.