Creating the CustomerListController

Create the customer list view.

The source files you added from the file contain the CustomerListController.h, CustomerListController.m, and CustomerListController.xib files that create the customer list view. To create these files manually in Xcode, you would create a new file using the UIViewController subclass template, then indicate it is a subclass of UITableViewController. Be sure to indicate With XIB for user interface.
  1. View the CustomerListController.h file.
  2. View the CustomerListController.m file.

    CustomerListController.m is a table view controller that displays the customer data in the client database. The viewWillAppear method uses the Object API to query the database for a list of all Customer objects, and builds an NSArray that is used by this class as the data source for displaying the table view.

    If a row is tapped, the accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath method is run, which pushes a DetailController onto the stack to display additional information and allow the data to be modified.

Related tasks
Viewing the SubscribeController View Controller
Creating the MenuListController
Adding the DetailController and Configuring the View