Generate Object API code for the iOS platform, develop a universal iOS
device application with code, and test its functionality. The device application communicates with the database MBOs that are deployed to Unwired Server.
Complete these tasks:
- Install
Sybase Mobile SDK and Runtime as indicated in Getting
Started with Unwired Platform.
- Create the mobile
business objects (MBOs) that you deploy to Unwired Server
using one of these methods:
- Complete Tutorial: Mobile Business
Object Development, which provides the foundation tasks for
this tutorial.
- Download and import the completed example project if you
want to bypass performing the MBO tutorial. The associated example
project is available on SAPĀ® SDN:
- Open the SUP101 mobile application project. In WorkSpace Navigator, right-click
the SUP101 folder and select Open in Diagram Editor.
- Be sure you are using the Advanced developer profile.