Changing SQLAnywhere Database Server Thread Count and User Startup Options

Change the database server startup options (thread counts and user options) to control the performance of a SQLAnywhere database server.

Depending on the type of installation you have performed, the servers you can change startup options for varies:
  1. Stop all Unwired Servers.
    For a list of database services, search for Unwired Platform Windows Services in System Administration.
  2. If you are updating ports in a cluster deployment, then for each database that requires a startup option change, open the corresponding initialization file. These files are installed to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\SQLAnywhere12\binxx:
    • For the cache database, open cdboptions.ini.
    • For the cluster database, open cldboptions.ini.
    • For the log database, open monitoroptions.ini.
  3. Modify one of these properties: *.threadcount or *.useroptions in the .ini files, for example:
    -c 24M -gn 300
  4. Ensure the cluster database is restarted.
  5. For all deployments, run the update properties utility to propagate changes to all runtime servers:
    updateProps.bat -u user -p pwd -d dsn -nv "property1=newvalue#property2=newvalue
  6. Restart all Unwired Servers.
Related reference
Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility