Configuring Unwired Server Administration Certificates

By default, Unwired Server includes two security profiles: "default" and "default_mutual." The "default" security profile uses the "sample1" certificate and the "default_mutual" security profile uses the "sample2" certificate. The certificate used by any other user-created security profiles is specified during security profile creation.


These steps describe the basics of exporting and import a certificate. Use the same steps to import your certificate into Unwired Server and Sybase Control Center keystore.

  1. Set up the certificates:
    1. Add %JAVA_HOME% to your system path.
    2. At a command prompt, change to <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Security.
    3. Export the "default" security profile certificate sample1.crt from the Unwired Server keystore by running:

      keytool -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit -alias sample1 -exportcert -file sample1.crt

    You can also create and import new certificates. For more information about how to generate a new keystore and truststore, see
  2. Configure Sybase Control Center:
    1. Open <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\SCC-XX\services\Messaging\lib\eas\lib\Repository\Server\EmbeddedJMS\Instance\com\sybase\djc\server\ApplicationServer\
    2. Insert these values to the keystore and truststore files :

      Or, you can copy the Unwired Server keystore and truststore files and use them for Sybase Control Center instead.

    3. Import sample1.crt into the Sybase Control Center keystore by running:

      keytool -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit -alias sample1 -importcert -file sample1.crt

  3. If you are running multiple Unwired Servers as part of a clustered environment, ensure these changes are repeated on all nodes. If certificates are issued to a specific host, you must generate a new certificate for each node.
Enable and configure the administration port to use the security profile in Sybase Control Center.
Related concepts
Data Change Notifications
Related tasks
Encrypting DCN Connections
Related reference
Key Creation (createkey) Utility